Style: Imperial Stout
ABV: 11.25%
IBU: –
Hops: ?
Brewery: Great Notion – Portland, OR
Brewery IG: @greatnotionpdx
Rating: 3.5/5
Notes: Don’t go by my rating unless your like me and don’t care much for stouts. Previously I rated other stouts higher but in hindsight I shouldn’t have because I just don’t dig them. This one has tons of flavor though so I’m sure stout fans will love it. The pecan gives it a slightly nutty flavor but the brown sugar really stands out for me. It’s very sweet as I would expect a breakfast stout. If you like stouts I you’d like this beer and I’m sure would rate it higher than I have.
Can art: I don’t think Great Notion has a bad beer label or even mediocre one. This is a sick illustration and props to the artist @timberps for always killing it with the labels.
Drinkage: Day of can release. 1 day after date on can. ———————————–