????: Liquid Flows (Batch 2)
?????: DIPA
???: 8.6%
???: –
????: Nelson Sauvin
???????: Monkish Brewing Company – Torrance, CA
??????? ??: @monkishbrewing
??????: 4/?
?????: Solid beer. I’m getting maybe a little cantaloupe flavor in here and I’m not complaining. Crushable goodness.
??? ???: Solid water color looking design. Those painted hills.
????????: Way late at almost 2 months old.
Archives for April 2020
????: Double Mmm…Fruit Dream
????: Double Mmm…Fruit Dream
?????: Sour/Fruit
???: 7%
???: –
????: –
???????: Other Half Brewing Co. – Brooklyn, NY
??????? ??: @OtherHalfNYC
??????: 4.5/?
?????: Super good. Refreshing and light. It’s like a fruit punch soda. I’m all about it. Sweet and slightly tart. No hops.
??? ???: Awesome art and super cool label with the reflective print.
????????: 32 days after date on can.
????: Wrapped Like a Mummy
????: Wrapped Like a Mummy
?????: TIPA
???: 10.1%
???: –
????: Citra, Galaxy, Mosaic and Nelson
???????: Monkish Brewing Company – Torrance, CA
??????? ??: @monkishbrewing
??????: 4/?
?????: Solid triple. I’m liking it and kinda tasting some oats. Some good citrus taste as well. It’s slightly boozy and not sweet.
??? ???: Sick illustration and name. The date stamp says “Brendan Fraser” which is too good.
????????: A bit late at around 50 days.
????: Roseberry (5/19)
????: Roseberry (5/19)
?????: Wild Ale
???: 8%
???: –
????: –
???????: de Garde Brewing – Tillamook, OR
??????? ??: @degardebrewing
??????: 5/?
?????: I love blackberries and I love rosemary. This is such a wonderful beer. The mixture of flavors is just awesome. You get plenty of both in this with also the delicious wild funk taste. Wish I had tried the first batch but glad to have had this one. Tart and sweet.
?????? ???: de Garde bottles are classy and cool.
????????: Bottled 5/19 and drank 11 months after date on bottle.
????: Luminous 06
????: Luminous 06
?????: Fruit/Sour
???: 5.75%
???: –
????: –
???????: Great Notion Brewing – Portland, OR
??????? ??: @greatnotionpdx
??????: 4/?
?????: A tart sherbet taste for sure. It’s spot on. Tart and sweet.
??? ???: To me this is the best design from @timberps and the @greatnotion labels. I have the original design t-shirt but I’d be down with this new more bright version on a shirt.
????????: Day after released.
????: Space Paint
????: Space Paint
?????: DIPA
???: 8.5%
???: –
????: Nelson Sauvin and Galaxy
???????: Great Notion Brewing – Portland, OR
??????? ??: @greatnotionpdx
??????: 4.25/?
?????: Nice and smooth. Easy to drink with not much bitterness. Not sweet. Very tasty.
??? ???: Standard Great Notion crowler.
????????: 5 days after date on crowler.